Topophobe : Someone with an irrational fear of unknown places. The good news is that at the Accor Arena we thought of everything, and especially of you!

Thanks to the MAP, you can browse, zoom, and find your way at your fingertips


    8 boulevard de Bercy, 75012, Paris

    ADDRESS-8 boulevard de Bercy, 75012, Paris


We know how  hard it can be to find a parking space on the day of an event! By  booking your parking space online, you can make it to your event in  plenty of time and without any hassle. Our car park can be found at 85  Rue de Bercy (car park 2 on the map), and is open as soon as the Arena  opens to the public and for one hour after the show.

Parking spaces: only available by booking in advance online

Vehicle height: less than 1.90m.

  • PARKING - 21/22 SEASON

    Coming to an event between 1 September 2021 and 31 August 2022? Perfect! Book your parking space and secure a select spot inside the Arena!

    > Book now!
  • PARKING - 22/23 SEASON

    Coming to an event between 1 September 2022 and 31 August 2023? You’ve come to the right place. Book your parking space to get to the event in record time.

    > Book now!

    Our reduced mobility car park can be found at 8 Boulevard de Bercy (car park 1 on the map), right at the heart of the Arena. Book your spot by contacting our dedicated team on +33 (0) 176 402 675!

    > Book now!

    Calling all bikers! You’ll find the perfect spot in Bercy, where there are a number of free and paid parking spaces for motorbikes and mopeds.


    If you only travel in the biggest of rides, there are two car parks for you at the Accor Arena. You can park your favourite vehicle at Bercy Autorcars or Parking Bercy Cars.