The show

Finales Coupe de France 2024 ACCOR ARENA Programme prévisionnel (sous réserve de modification TV) Samedi 20 avril 2024 : - 9h45 : Ouverture porte public - 10h45 : Finale Départementale Masculine - 12h45 : Finale Départementale Féminine - 14h45 : Finale Sourd masculine - 16h45 : Finale Régionale Masculine - 18h45 : Finale Régionale Féminine - 21h05 : Finale Nationale Masculine
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You are not allowed to bring your own food into the Accor Arena.

Bottled water

You are not allowed to bring your own drinks into the Accor Arena.

Backpacks ( under 10L )

Suitcases and holdalls are not allowed. Backpacks are allowed but must be checked in to the cloakroom.


“Professional” camera equipment is not allowed inside the Accor Arena.