The show

Following the release of his latest album "CAN'T RUSH GREATNESS", Central Cee will be performing at the Accor Arena in 2025!

Known for iconic hits such as "Doja", "BAND4BAND", and "Loading", the international British drill sensation is ready to light up the stage at Accor Arena for an unforgettable concert!

  • Live Nation

    Live Nation-null
  • Octopus Productions

    Octopus Productions-null

Our offers

  • Parking

    Book your parking space to get to the event in record time, and secure a select spot inside the Arena! ​

    > Book now !
  • Hotel Booking

    Hotel Booking - Vitaa & Slimane

    > Book



You are not allowed to bring your own food into the Accor Arena.

Bottled water

You are not allowed to bring your own drinks into the Accor Arena.

Backpacks ( under 10L )

Suitcases and holdalls are not allowed. Backpacks are allowed but must be checked in to the cloakroom.


“Professional” camera equipment is not allowed inside the Accor Arena.

Central Cee on Spotify

  • Doja

  • This is Central Cee

    This is Central Cee