The show

Le duo Calema sera de passage à l’Accor Arena en 2025 !

Les deux frères portugais, Antonio et Fradique, originaires de l’île de São Tomé-e-Principe, préparent pour 2024 un nouvel album aux sonorités pop, latino et afro qui s’intitulera « Voyage ». Ils célèbreront leurs 15 ans de carrière lors d’un concert événement à l’Accor Arena le 10 janvier 2025 !

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Our offers

  • Parking

    Book your parking space to get to the event in record time, and secure a select spot inside the Arena! ​

    > Book now !
  • Hotel Booking

    Hotel Booking - Vitaa & Slimane

    > Book



You are not allowed to bring your own food into the Accor Arena.

Bottled water

You are not allowed to bring your own drinks into the Accor Arena.

Backpacks ( under 10L )

Suitcases and holdalls are not allowed. Backpacks are allowed but must be checked in to the cloakroom.


“Professional” camera equipment is not allowed inside the Accor Arena.